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The Top 3 Changes That Will Affect OHS Professionals in 2015

As an experienced safety professional, it’s important to ensure you’re well aware of any policy changes, new requirements and updates that occur within the health and safety industry. Whether you’re in Canada, the US, or anywhere in the world, it’s important to remain informed about the changes that can impact your company in the future.

Over the last few weeks, you may have heard a lot about OSHA updates, the importance of COR, changes in 2015 and more. Therefore, in an effort to simplify your search, we decided to outline the Top 3 Changes that will affect OHS Professionals in 2015.

1. OSHA’s New Injury Reporting Rules

As of January 1st, 2015, any workplaces under federal OSHA jurisdiction will need to abide by the new OSHA injury reporting rules. This includes any work-related incidents regarding fatalities, injuries and illness information. The new injury reporting rule focuses on two key areas: What needs to be reported to OSHA and who is required to keep and track the records. The rule specifies a 24 hour window to report all work related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations and other fatal injuries. It also outlines an updated list of industries that are partially exempt from the OSHA recordkeeping requirements. Click here to read more.

2. Both the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and Infrastructure Ontario announced that COR will be a pre-qualification requirement for firms bidding on capital construction projects

With COR becoming increasingly important in Canada, the TTC and Infrastructure Ontario announced that COR will be a pre-qualification requirement for firms bidding on capital construction projects. Although this initiative started in 2014, it only applied to firms bidding on projects that were estimated at more than $25 million. As of January 1st, 2015, the same rule will now be placed on projects estimated at more than $5 million. Ultimately, the pre-qualification requirement will exist for all projects by January 1st, 2016. Click here to read more.

3. New changes to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard are bringing the United States into alignment with the GHS of classification and labeling of chemicals

OSHA has announced the adoption of new chemical labeling requirements in conjunction with their revised hazard communication standard. The decision was based on the notion that giving workers more information on how to handle and use certain chemicals would allow them to work in a safer environment. In an effort to enhance worker understanding, OSHA hopes to improve both worker and employer comprehension of potential chemical hazards that can exist in the workplace. Click here to read more.

It’s important for health and safety professionals to be prepared to abide by new policies, rules and regulations as soon as they come into effect. Although some of the changes in 2015 may not directly affect your organization, it’s important to understand the future impact it may have on your company, or the companies you do business with.

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