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January 26, 2022
3 Minutes
Tyler Davey
Tyler Davey is our Chief Executive Officer for North America and has 20+ years of experience working across both technology and business. He is responsible for developing and growing the brand in the North American market, managing the full suite of products in North America and driving the business through organic and further acquisition opportunities.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing break and safely spent time with family where able. It’s difficult to comprehend we are in the 2nd year of a new start with the pandemic still causing issues for all of us. Hopefully, by this time next year we will have moved forward and will no longer refer to the impacts of the pandemic.
2021 was a year of tremendous change for us at EcoOnline (which you may know better through our eCompliance, Field iD or ContractorCheck solutions). We are part of a community of more than 40,000 customers worldwide – 5,000 in North America.
Our customers are supported by a team of 761 EcoOnline employees across multiple countries and continents. In 2021, we doubled the size of our technology team and added people across the US and Canada to be best equipped to handle the needs of our customers and drive towards their success.
In my letter to kick off 2021, I highlighted we were excited to launch new product features, that we planned to deliver more reliable reporting, and help work towards creating a more robust safety solution that helps save lives. I’m pleased to say we’ve significantly improved on all accounts.
In 2021, we put out 274 releases: one for every workday of the year. 148 of those releases were for the products most used in North America: eCompliance, Field iD and ContractorCheck. We launched a new analytics and reporting solution, Safety Intelligence for eCompliance, in May of 2021, making it faster to unlock safety performance insights and more flexible in analyzing leading and lagging indicators. The adoption of the solution has been well received by customers of all sizes and is noticeably helping them to achieve 65% performance improvements in safety.
With eCompliance, we introduced Behavior-Based Safety Observations to reduce unsafe work behaviors, created Box integration to make sharing inspections and forms externally much easier, and added the ability to schedule inspections among different job profiles.
At the end of the year, eCompliance also received a much sought-after capability, Companies Module (Contractor On-Site Safety Management) helping customers extend their occupational health and safety management system to contractors, suppliers and clients on their job sites, allowing safety leaders to seamlessly share safety policies and procedures, track training, conduct inspections, and report contractor and supplier risks and incidents.
Field iD saw major improvements with the launch of 4.0 and numerous stabilization and performance improvements across the platform. Adding attachments to multiple event forms and mass downloading of attachments from assets helps save time managing equipment inspections at scale.
And ContractorCheck saw numerous improvements to the reporting and operational management, including the online payment portal for customers.
Further, we’ve internationalized many of our products, providing new language support for eCompliance, Field iD, as well as for our enterprise EHS solution permit to work.
As we look forward to 2022, our plans are centered around providing solutions that help create a safer and more sustainable world. We plan to at least keep pace, or ideally exceed the frequency and speed of releases across our product portfolio, as well as continue to develop our practices and services to continually improve how we support and serve our customers as part of our community.
Tyler Davey
CEO, EcoOnline North America
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